
Introduction to accessibility and inclusive design

Training for everyone to understand the basics of accessibility and inclusive design.

Learning time: 10 minutes

Start training

WCAG 2.2 and GDS monitoring

Video discussing the latest additions within WCAG 2.2 and some practical examples of passes and failures.

More training courses coming soon

We're working on providing more training modules for different topics and themes.

If you have any suggestions complete this form.

Resources in DfE

If you are looking for information regarding workplace adjustments, how to get assistive technology, creating accessible Microsoft documents or the accessibility champions scheme, this can all be found in the Digital Accessibility Hub (DfE Intranet).

This content has been created, and is owned by the Department for Education accessibility team.

All these links open pages on the DfE Intranet. If you are not a DfE employee, you will not be able to access this content.

Accessibility Champion Scheme

Learn about the Accessibility Champion Scheme and how to become a champion.

Visit the Experience Lab in Sheffield

Visit the lab in Sheffield and learn about assitive technology and test your services.

Documents and presentations

Learn how to make documents and presentations more accessible.

Blogs from the disability network

Find blogs of lived experiences of different conditions and topics, as well as past events and speaker sessions run by the network.

Neurodivergence network

The Neurodivergence Network is a staff network set up to support colleagues with neurodivergent differences.

Accessibility Awareness Month

Every May, we run a month of events in DfE centred around raising the awareness and understanding of accessibility and inclusive design, featuring workshops, external speakers and training sessions.

Watch events from May 2024